When the Uphill journey tires a Man,
As he faces defeats and no gain;
He wanders in search of light,
And tries to pursue Eternal Sight.
While searching for the Paradise,
Even the water in his eyes dries;
For a Guru or Guide he does long,
To attain peace before his swansong.
But I am not searching for Paradise,
As I have my Mother's lap to hide;
Nor do I long for any guru or guide,
Cuz I do have my mother's lap to hide.
As he faces defeats and no gain;
He wanders in search of light,
And tries to pursue Eternal Sight.
While searching for the Paradise,
Even the water in his eyes dries;
For a Guru or Guide he does long,
To attain peace before his swansong.
But I am not searching for Paradise,
As I have my Mother's lap to hide;
Nor do I long for any guru or guide,
Cuz I do have my mother's lap to hide.